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 In TP there is, of course, ParamCount and ParamStr.

 The actual command line can be found in the PSP segment, at offset
 $80 (hexadecimal).  The Byte at $80 contains the count of Characters,
 including the leading delimiter Character (usually a space).

 In TP the PSP segment may be accessed using PrefixSeg.  Note that TP
 omits the carriage-return that normally appends the input Character
 line.  This is a problem For Programs that look For it as the end of
 the String.

 If you're using a non-TP compiler, you'll need to get the PSP segment
 value via a Dos Function $62 call.

 Here's a simple TP Program to illustrate.  Compile it, then invoke
 it With some command-line input...
Program CommandLine;    { CL.PAS }
  CharCount, i : Word;
  CharCount := Mem[PrefixSeg:$80];  { number of input Characters }
  WriteLn('Input Characters: ', CharCount );
  For i := 1 to CharCount DO
    Write( CHR( Mem[PrefixSeg:$80+i] ));

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