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> It Word wrapped one line but you get the idea. Is there an easier or
> faster way to do this?
Num, Code : Integer;
Par : String;
For F := 2 To ParamCount Do
If Pos('/', ParamStr(F)) = 1 Then
P := Copy(ParamStr(F), 2, 2);
If (Pos('A', P) = 1) Or (Pos('a', P) = 1) Then
Val(Copy(P, 2, 1), Num, Code);
If Num In [1..5] Then
If (Pos('O',P) = 1) Or (Pos('o',P) = 1) Then Overide := False;
If (Pos('S',P) = 1) Or (Pos('s',P) = 1) Then Spin := False;
If (Pos('F',P) = 1) Or (Pos('f',P) = 1) Then ComLine(1,200);
If (Pos('C',P) = 1) Or (Pos('c',P) = 1) Then ComLine(2,200);
If (Pos('R',P) = 1) Or (Pos('r',P) = 1) Then
Val(Copy(P, 2, 1), Num, Code);
If Num In [0..10] Then
Comline(3, Num);
If (Pos('L',P) = 1) Or (Pos('l',P) = 1) Then ComLine(4,200);
If (Pos('M',P) = 1) Or (Pos('m',P) = 1) Then ComLine(Random(4)+1,0);
If (Pos('B',P) = 1) Or (Pos('b',P) = 1) Then DirectVideo := False;
If (Pos('P',P) = 1) Or (Pos('p',P) = 1) Then
Val(Copy(P, 2, 1), Num, Code);
If Num In [0..3] Then
If (Pos('E',P) = 1) Or (Pos('p',P) = 1) Then ReturnLevel := True;
If (Pos('?',P) = 1) Then Error;
Some Notes:
I am not sure if it will return a 0 when the it asks For Val(Copy(P, 2, 1),
Num, Code) and the P Variable isn't R1, R2, R3, etc (when it is just R from a
/R) so you may have to trap that one differently or change the Program so they
have to say /R0 instead of /R. I hope you follow the rest of the code and I
hope it works. I have no idea what your Program is For so I couldn't test it
either (too lazy am I? I think not... The above wasn't too easy to do!) So I
hope it works and good luck...
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