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{ Updated DATATYPE.SWG on May 26, 1995 }
> Is there any way to append an untyped file onto a text file
> in tp? you can't append an untyped file, so I can't think
> of any way to do this.
Well, the thing with untyped (and typed, only not text) files is that appending
is so easy (once you know), there isn't a procedure for, it's just seeking to
the end of the file.So you just open the textfile as binary file, and seek to
the end of file.
Example (untested):
And Data is appended to the textfile.
I don't think you need to following, but now I'm writing in this echo anyway, I
like to share the it.I made something to seek in a textfile, i.e. if you know
the offset of a line (not the linenumber), it's possible to seek directly to
it, without reading all the lines before it first. TP doesn't allow this, but
with typecasting I got it working. Maybe someone is interested...
program Test;
{ Show how to seek to an OFFSET (not a line number) in a textfile, }
{ without using asm. Arne de Bruijn, 1994, PD }
uses Dos; { For TextRec and FileRec }
assign(F,'TEST.PAS'); { Assign F to itself }
reset(F); { Open it (as a textfile) }
ReadLn(F); { Just read some lines }
FileRec((@F)^).Mode:=fmInOut; { Set to binary mode }
{ (The (@F)^ part is to let TP 'forget' the type of the structure, so }
{ you can type-caste it to everything (note that with and without (@X)^ }
{ can give a different value, longint(bytevar) gives the same value as }
{ bytevar, while longint((@bytevar)^) gives the same as }
{ longint absolute Bytevar (i.e. all 4 bytes in a longint are readed }
{ from memory instead of 3 filled with zeros))) }
FileRec((@F)^).RecSize:=1; { Set record size to 1 (a byte)}
{ Get the fileposition, subtract the already readed buffer, and add the }
{ position in that buffer }
TextRec(F).Mode:=fmInput; { Set back to text mode }
TextRec(F).BufSize:=SizeOf(TextBuf); { BufSize overwritten by RecSize }
{ Doesn't work with SetTextBuf! }
ReadLn(F,S); { Read the next line }
WriteLn('Next line:',S); { Display it }
FileRec((@F)^).Mode:=fmInOut; { Set to binary mode }
FileRec((@F)^).RecSize:=1; { Set record size to 1 (a byte)}
Seek(File((@F)^),L); { Do the seek }
TextRec(F).Mode:=fmInput; { Set back to text mode }
TextRec(F).BufSize:=SizeOf(TextBuf); { Doesn't work with SetTextBuf! }
TextRec(F).BufPos:=0; TextRec(F).BufEnd:=0; { Reset buffer counters }
ReadLn(F,S); { Show that it worked, the same }
WriteLn('That line again:',S); { line readed again! }
Close(F); { Close it }
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