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program ExDelphi;
{executes Delphi, minimizing all apps currently running}
WinProcs, WinTypes, Messages;
ExResult: integer;
ExResultSt: string;
function EnumProc (WinHandle: HWnd; Param: LongInt): Boolean;
if (GetParent (WinHandle) = 0) and (not IsIconic (WinHandle))
(IsWindowVisible (WinHandle)) then
SendMessage (WinHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0);
end; { if...}
EnumProc := TRUE;
end; { EnumProc }
begin {ExDelphi}
EnumWindows(@EnumProc, 0);
ExResult := WinExec ('DELPHI.EXE', SW_SHOW);
if ExResult < 32 then
Str(ExResult, ExResultSt);
ExResultSt := 'Error Loading Delphi : ' + ExResultSt + #0;
MessageBox (0, @ExResultSt[1], 'EDS ExDelphi Loader',
mb_OK or mb_IconInformation);
end; {if...}
end. {ExDelphi}
not too big of a program but supposed to be cool. will minimize all
windows as it executes delphi.
Well, it compiles and works for me. What you have to do is:
- open a new project;
- close form1 and unit1;
- open the project source;
- paste the whole code above over what is already there;
- save the project as exdelphi.DPR;
- build. {result is an EXE of 4K}
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