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Q: How do I use "array of const"?
A: An array of const is in fact an open array of TVarRec (a
predeclared Delphi type you can look up in the online help). So
the following is Object Pascal psuedocode for the general battle
procedure AddStuff( Const A: Array of Const );
Var i: Integer;
For i:= Low(A) to High(A) Do
With A[i] Do
Case VType of
vtExtended: Begin
{ add real number, all real formats are converted to
extended automatically }
vtInteger: Begin
{ add integer number, all integer formats are converted
to LongInt automatically }
vtObject: Begin
If VObject Is DArray Then
With DArray( VObject ) Do Begin
{ add array of doubles }
Else If VObject Is IArray Then
With IArray( VObject ) Do Begin
{ add array of integers }
End; { Case }
End; { AddStuff }
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