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Simply pass a number (1-3) through it:
1 -- Switches to next window
2 -- Pops up the Alt menu
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is what you want
3 -- Close the current window
I don't know about Alt-H though.. I know that if you used ReadKey
you'd have to read it twice -- once for the #0 (tells you that
it is an extended code) -- again for the extended code (35=Alt-H).
Hope this helps! Good luck.
-- Jeff.Guillaume@launchpad.unc.edu
Procedure DesqView(Func : Byte); ASSEMBLER;
mov AH, $05
cmp Func, 1 { Switch to next window }
je @SwitchNext
cmp Func, 2 { Pop up Alt-menu }
je @PopDesqView
cmp Func, 3 { Close current window }
je @CloseWin
mov CX, $FB00
jmp @CallInt
mov CX, $FC00
jmp @CallInt
mov CX, $FE00
int $16
End; {* DesqView *}
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