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Here's a unit that will let you open more than the default
maximum number of files (up to about 200, FILES statement
in CONFIG.SYS permitting) :
{$IfDef DPMI}
{$c Moveable PreLoad Discardable}
Unit ExtHandl ;
{$IfNDef DPMI}
Procedure DOSRealloc(p : Pointer) ;
{$IfNDef DPMI}
Procedure DOSRealloc(p : Pointer) ; Assembler ;
{ This procedures changes the size of the memory block allocated to the
program. It proceeds the same way than the SetMemTop procedure of the
Memory unit does. }
Mov BX, Word Ptr [p] { offset }
Add BX, $0f
Mov CL, 4
Add BX, Word Ptr [p+2] { segment }
Mov AX, PrefixSeg
Sub BX, AX
Mov ES, AX
{ ES contains the program's PSP, BX is the new number of paragraphs
of the memory block. }
Mov AH, $4a { Modify memory allocation }
Int $21
End ;
FreeParas = 1024 Div 16 ; { We're going to make sure DOS }
{ still has some RAM }
Reallocating = 1 ;
TPLacksRAM = 2 ;
GettingHandles = 3 ;
Procedure PrintError(ErrNo : Word ; Location : Word) ;
WriteLn(ParamStr(0)) ;
WriteLn('ExtHandl : Startup error #', ErrNo, ', location=', Location) ;
WriteLn('MaxAvail=', MaxAvail) ;
Write('[Enter] pour continuer...') ;
ReadLn ;
End ;
{ This initialisation code makes sure DOS is still able to assume
memory allocation requests that are likely to occur (whether by
Spawno or a "Set Handle Count" request).
This allows the main program to use whatever $m statement it needs. }
{$IfNDef DPMI}
Mov AH, $48 { Allocate memory }
Mov BX, $ffff { More than DOS can give us }
Int $21
Cmp BX, FreeParas { BX contains avail paragraphs }
JNC @DOSHasEnough
{ Let's check that the heap contains more than needed bytes }
Mov AX, Word Ptr [HeapPtr+2]
Add AX, FreeParas
Cmp AX, Word Ptr [HeapEnd+2]
JNC @NotEnoughRAM { Actually, TP hasn't enough }
Sub Word Ptr [HeapEnd+2], FreeParas
Push Word Ptr [HeapEnd+2]
Push Word Ptr [HeapEnd]
Call DOSRealloc
JNC @DOSHasEnough
Push AX
Mov AX, Reallocating
Push AX
Call PrintError
Jmp #DOSHasEnough
Push AX
Mov AX, TPLacksRAM
Push AX
Call PrintError
{ Augmentation du nombre de handles disponibles }
Mov AH, $67 { Extend handles }
Mov BX, 199 { Gi'me 2 hundreds of 'em }
Int $21
JNC @PasDErreur { Si CF=1, erreur }
Push AX
Mov AX, GettingHandles
Push AX
Call PrintError
End ;
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