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; REBOOT.ASM ver 192.5.1beta ;-)
; Public domain from James Vahn, flush routines from Tim Arheit.
; "oh no!!" idea stolen from David Kirschbaum.
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
org 100h
mov cx,100d ;close everything in sight
Close_Lup: ;Loop to close first 100 possible
mov ah,03Eh ;open files.
mov bx,cx
int 21h
loop Close_Lup
mov ax,cs ;Set DS to code segment.
mov ds,ax
mov ax,5D01h ;Flush buffers and update directory
mov dx,offset Params ;entries. This call may have problems
int 21h ;under OS/2 and DR-DOS..
mov ah,0Dh ;DOS flush file buffers.
int 21h ;Most cache programs catch this call.
mov ah,21h ;flush for QCASHE
int 13h
mov ah,0A1h ;flush for PC Kwik, PC-Cache v5
mov si,4358h ;Qcache v4
int 13h
mov ax,0FFA5h ;flush for PC-Cache v6+
mov cx,0DDDDh
int 16h
mov ax,0FE03h ;flush for Norton Utilities NCACHE
mov di,"NU"
mov si,"CF"
int 2Fh
mov ax,4A10h ;flush for SMARTDRV v4.00+ -API
mov bx,0002h
int 2Fh
; Flushed. On with the resetting..
mov ax,40h ;Set ES to BIOS data area.
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[72h],1234h ;Remove this for cold boot.
; First attempt at a reset. If 15/4F isn't supported, hopefully
; no harm will come.
mov dl,byte ptr es:[17h]
or byte ptr es:[17h],0Ch ;Simulates CTRL-ALT-DEL
mov ax,4F53h ;on some machines. PS/2?
int 15h
mov byte ptr es:[17h],dl
; Second attempt. This jumps to 'Beep' via the CMOS shutdown byte
; and resets via the 8042 keyboard interface chip if present.
mov ax,cs ;Set DS to code segment.
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr es:[69h],ax ;Prepare BIOS for PM
mov word ptr es:[67h],offset Beep ; style reset.
mov al,0Fh
out 70h,al
call Delay
mov al,0Ah ;Set CMOS for BIOS JMP.
out 71h,al
call Delay
mov al,0FEh ;Reset via 8042
out 64h,al
call Delay
; Failed.. No 8042! Ye olde standard reboot. If CMOS is present,
; this will also jump to Beep.
db 0EAh,0h,0h,0FFh,0FFh ;jmp FFFF:0000
; Delay routine, approx 1/18.2 seconds
push ds
mov ax,0040h
mov ds,ax
mov al,ds:[006Ch]
lo1: cmp al,ds:[006Ch]
je lo1
pop ds
; If successful, the CMOS shutdown byte will cause a jump to here,
; making a tone and resetting via a triple exception error.
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,0E07h ; Make a Beep.
int 10h
mov al,0B6h ; Make another Beep.
out 43h,al
in al,61h
or al,3h
out 61h,al
mov al,82h
out 42h,al
mov al,9h
out 42h,al
mov cx, 02000h
lo2: in al,04Fh
loop lo2
lidt fword ptr cs:Table ; Forces a CPU reset.
int 0
Table df 0
msg db 'Oh no!!!$'
Params db 0 ; Dynamic, 22 bytes.
cseg ends
end Begin
{ ---------------------- CUT -------------------------------}
Cut the following to a seperate file. Name it REBOOT.XX
Use XX3402 to decode the following if you do not have TASM to build
the above code. The COM file will be created.
example : XX3402 D reboot.xx
***** END OF BLOCK 1 *****
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