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*You mean displaying Text While in Graphics mode :-) ?
> Yup. Already got a suggestion on using 640x480 With 8x8 font, so if
> you have any other one please do tell.. ttyl...
Sure. Just call the BIOS routines to display Characters With a "standard"
look. By standard look, I mean they look like they were Characters in
Text mode.
Okay, here is the basic Procedure to display a String (Works in any Text/
Graphics mode) :
Procedure BIOSWrite(Str : String; Color : Byte); Assembler;
les di, Str
mov cl, es:[di] { cl = longueur chane }
inc di { es:di pointe sur 1er caractre }
xor ch, ch { cx = longueur chane }
mov bl, Color { bl:=coul }
jcxz @ExitBW { sortie si Length(s)=0 }
mov ah, 0eh { sortie TTY }
mov al, es:[di] { al=caractre afficher }
int 10h { et hop }
inc di { caractre suivant }
loop @BoucleBW
end ;
I'm not sure how to manage the background color in Graphics mode ; maybe
you should experiment With values in "coul", there could be a magic bit
to keep actual background color.
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