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	I just recently downloaded the entire SWAG library; and, as I was
looking through the graphics library for things to learn, I noticed that
people were/are looking for a fast Circle command, but all the Circle
commands I saw were written in High-Level language. Not only that, but
they used REAL arithmetic(slow). So I thought I'd send you a much faster
Circle command, and the fastest PutPixel command possible. The Circle
command could use a bit of optimization, but I'm sure it's faster that
any of the one's you already have. Sorry for the run-on sentences.
		Thank You
		-Ryan Jones

Program FastCircle;

   Here's a small demo of a fast Putpixel statement
   and a very fast Circle statement.

   I believe the PutPixel command is the fastest possible.

   The Circle command is very fast, but could use some of
   optimization. (It should be fast enough for anyone's uses)

   Programmed by Ryan Jones


	_Hollow = 0;	_Filled = 1;

	Segment : Word;
   Ch : Char;

Procedure SetVideoMode(n : Byte); Assembler;
      MOV AH, 0
      MOV AL, n
      INT $10

Procedure _PutPixel(X, Y, C : Word); Assembler;
		MOV AX, Segment
	   MOV ES, AX

      MOV AX, Y
      MOV BX, X
      XCHG AH, AL
      ADD BX, AX
      SHR AX, 1
      SHR AX, 1
      ADD BX, AX

	   MOV AX, C
	   MOV ES:[BX], AL

Procedure Circle(Control, X, Y, Radius, Color : Word); Assembler;
   	MOV AX, Segment
      MOV ES, AX
      MOV SI, Radius     	{ XI := R }
      MOV DI, 0      { YI := 0 }
      MOV CX, Radius
      SHR CX, 1      { N := XI Div 2 }
      MOV AX, Control
      CMP AX, 1
      JE @Filled


		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         SUB AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, SI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         SUB AX, SI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, DI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         SUB AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         ADD BX, SI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         SUB AX, SI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         ADD BX, DI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         ADD AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, SI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         ADD AX, SI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, DI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         ADD AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         ADD BX, SI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         ADD AX, SI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         ADD BX, DI
         MOV DX, Color
         MOV ES:[BX], DL
         ADD CX, DI  { N := N + YI }
         CMP CX, SI  { If N > XI Then }
         JNG @Skip   { Do This }
           DEC SI    	{ XI := XI - 1 }
           SUB CX, SI	{ N := N - XI }
         INC DI      { YI := YI + 1 }
      CMP DI, SI
      JNG @Loope
      JMP @End


		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         SUB AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, SI
         MOV DX, CX           { Part 2 }
         XCHG BX, DI
         MOV AX, Color
         MOV CX, SI
			SHL CX, 1
         inc cx
         MOV DI, BX
         MOV CX, DX

		   MOV BX, 320
		   MOV AX, Y
         ADD AX, DI
		   MUL BX
		   MOV BX, AX
		   ADD BX, X
         SUB BX, SI
         MOV DX, CX           { Part 3 }
         XCHG BX, DI
         MOV AX, Color
         MOV CX, SI
			SHL CX, 1
         inc cx
         MOV DI, BX
         MOV CX, DX
         ADD CX, DI  { N := N + YI }
         CMP CX, SI  { If N > XI Then }
         JNG @Skipb   { Do This }
           DEC SI    	{ XI := XI - 1 }
           SUB CX, SI	{ N := N - XI }
			   MOV BX, 320
			   MOV AX, Y
	         SUB AX, SI
            dec ax
			   MUL BX
			   MOV BX, AX
			   ADD BX, X
   	      SUB BX, DI
	         MOV DX, CX        { Part 1 }
	         MOV AX, Color
	         MOV CX, DI
				SHL CX, 1
            inc cx
	         XCHG BX, DI
	         MOV DI, BX
	         MOV CX, DX

			   MOV BX, 320
			   MOV AX, Y
	         ADD AX, SI
            inc ax
			   MUL BX
			   MOV BX, AX
			   ADD BX, X
   	      SUB BX, DI
	         MOV DX, CX
	         MOV AX, Color         { Part 4 }
	         MOV CX, DI
				SHL CX, 1
            inc cx
	         XCHG BX, DI
	         MOV DI, BX
	         MOV CX, DX
         INC DI      { YI := YI + 1 }
      CMP DI, SI
      JNG @Loopeb


   Segment := $A000;
   Ch := #0;
   	If Ch <> #0 Then Ch := ReadKey;
   	_PutPixel(Random(320), Random(200), Random(256));
   	If KeyPressed Then Ch := ReadKey Else Ch := #0;
   Until Ch = #27;
   Ch := #0;
   	If Ch <> #0 Then Ch := ReadKey;
   	Circle(_Hollow, Random(280)+20, Random(160)+20, Random(20), Random(256));
   	If KeyPressed Then Ch := ReadKey Else Ch := #0;
   Until Ch = #27;
   Ch := #0;
   	If Ch <> #0 Then Ch := ReadKey;
   	Circle(_Filled, Random(280)+20, Random(160)+20, Random(20), Random(256));
   	If KeyPressed Then Ch := ReadKey Else Ch := #0;
   Until Ch = #27;
   WriteLn('Programmed by Ryan Jones');

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