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{ Hi
Many of fast ellipse drawing routines uses two loops
to draw a part of an ellipse curve, first from 0 to 45
degrees and second from 45 to 90 degrees. But there is
an algorithm that uses only one loop. I think, that's
the shortest and fastest way to draw ellipses on raster
If you know about a better ellipse drawing algorithm
send me your hints !
;-) Gerd
Email: gerd.platl@siemens.at
{$A+,B+,G-,I-,O-,V-,D-,L-,Q-,R-,S-,E-,N- TP 7.0 Opt.}
program FastEllipseDrawingDemo; {02-04-96,04-08-97}
uses Crt, Dos;
const maxX = 319;
maxY = 199; {video mode 19: 320x200/256}
var v:array[0..maxY,0..maxX] of byte absolute $A000:0;
procedure PutPixel (x,y: integer; color: byte);
begin v[y,x] := color; end;
procedure PutPixel (x,y: integer; color: byte); assembler;
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax {es = $A000}
mov ax,y
shl ax,6
mov bx,ax {bx = y * 64}
shl ax,1
shl ax,1 {ax = y * 256}
add bx,ax {bx = y * 320}
add bx,x {bx = y * 320 + x}
mov al,color {load color}
mov es:[bx],al {set point}
procedure DrawEllipse (mx,my, a,b, color: integer);
var x, mx1,mx2, my1,my2: integer;
aq,bq, dx,dy, r,rx,ry: longint;
PutPixel (mx + a, my, color);
PutPixel (mx - a, my, color);
mx1 := mx - a; my1 := my;
mx2 := mx + a; my2 := my;
aq := longint (a) * a; {calc sqr}
bq := longint (b) * b;
dx := aq shl 1; {dx := 2 * a * a}
dy := bq shl 1; {dy := 2 * b * b}
r := a * bq; {r := a * b * b}
rx := r shl 1; {rx := 2 * a * b * b}
ry := 0; {because y = 0}
x := a;
while x > 0
do begin
if r > 0
then begin { y + 1 }
inc (my1); dec (my2);
inc (ry, dx); {ry = dx * y}
dec (r, ry); {r = r - dx + y}
if r <= 0
then begin { x - 1 }
dec (x);
inc (mx1); dec (mx2);
dec (rx, dy); {rx = dy * x}
inc (r, rx); {r = r + dy * x}
PutPixel (mx1, my1, color);
PutPixel (mx1, my2, color);
PutPixel (mx2, my1, color);
PutPixel (mx2, my2, color);
var a,b: integer; r: registers;
r.ax:=$13; Intr($10,r);
a := 1+Random (100);
b := 1+Random (99);
DrawEllipse (a + Random (maxX - 2 * a),
b + Random (maxY - 2 * b), a,b,
1 + Random (255));
until keypressed;
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