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> I am trying to issue an SCSI START/StoP Unit via Adaptec's ASPI SCSI
> manager and an 1542B host adaptor. This is For an application I am
> writing in BP. Adaptec is of no help. if anyone here has any
> comments
> or suggestions please respond in this Forum.
Unit Aspi;
{ I/O Error reporting:
AspiSenseKey is the primary source of error inFormation.
0: I/O Complete.
Warnings (Filemark, Short block, etc) may be posted in Sense.
1-E: Error occured.
Examine SRBStat, HostStat, TargStat, Sense For details.
F: Severe error detected, no SCSI info available.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- }
SrbIn = $08;
SRBOut = $10;
SRBNone = $18;
AspiPtr: Pointer = Nil;
AspiSrb = Record
SrbCmd: Byte;
SrbStat: Byte;
SrbHost: Byte;
SrbReqFlags: Byte;
SrbHdrFill: LongInt;
Case Integer of
2: (Srb2TargetID: Byte;
Srb2LUN: Byte;
Srb2DataLen: LongInt;
Srb2SenseLen: Byte;
Srb2DataPtr: Pointer;
Srb2LinkPtr: Pointer;
Srb2CDBLen: Byte;
Srb2HAStat: Byte;
Srb2TargStat: Byte;
Srb2PostAddr: Pointer;
Srb2Filler: Array [1..34] of Byte;
{ Sense data follows CDB }
Srb2CDB: Array [0..50] of Byte);
1: (Srb1TargetID: Byte;
Srb1LUN: Byte;
Srb1DevType: Byte);
0: (Srb0Cnt: Byte;
Srb0TargetID: Byte;
Srb0MgrID: Array [1..16] of Char;
Srb0HostID: Array [1..16] of Char;
Srb0HostParm: Array [1..16] of Char);
AspiSRBStat: Byte;
AspiHostStat: Byte;
AspiTargStat: Byte;
AspiSenseKey: Byte;
AspiSense: Array [0..17] of Byte;
AspiSenseCode: Word;
Function AspiOpen: Integer;
Procedure AspiCall (Var SRB: AspiSrb);
{ Call ASPI Handler With SRB }
Inline ($FF/$1E/>AspiPtr/
Procedure AspiWait (Var SRB: AspiSrb);
Function AspiClose: Integer;
Uses Dos;
Procedure AspiWait (Var SRB: AspiSRB);
{ Call ASPI Handler With SRB and wait For Completion }
if AspiPtr = Nil
then begin
AspiSenseKey := $0F;
With Srb do begin
SrbStat := 0;
AspiCall (Srb);
While SrbStat = 0 do ;
AspiSrbStat := SrbStat;
AspiHostStat := Srb2HAStat;
AspiTargStat := Srb2TargStat;
AspiSenseKey := 0;
FillChar (AspiSense, Sizeof (AspiSense), #0);
Move (Srb2CDB [Srb2CDBLen], AspiSense, Sizeof (AspiSense));
AspiSenseKey := AspiSense[2] and $0F;
AspiSenseCode := (AspiSense [12] SHL 8) or AspiSense [13];
Function AspiOpen: Integer;
AspiName: Array [1..9] of Char = 'SCSIMGR$'#0;
R: Registers;
AspiHan: Word;
With R do begin
{ Assume failure }
AspiOpen := -1;
AspiPtr := Nil;
{ Open ASPI device driver }
AX := $3D00;
DS := Seg (AspiName[1]);
DX := ofs (AspiName[1]);
MSDos (R);
if odd (Flags)
then Exit;
AspiHan := AX;
{ Do IOCtl Read to get Pointer to ASPI handler }
AX := $4402;
BX := AspiHan;
CX := 4;
DS := Seg (AspiPtr);
DX := ofs (AspiPtr);
MSDos (R);
if Odd (flags)
then Exit;
{ Close device driver }
AX := $3E00;
BX := AspiHan;
MsDos (R);
if Odd (Flags)
then Exit;
{ Indicate success and Exit }
AspiOpen := 0;
end { AspiOpen };
Function AspiClose: Integer;
AspiClose := 0;
end { AspiClose };
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