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From: h.fricke@laguna.han.de (Hans-Christian Fricke)

> Here's some info I've found regarding CPU Speed -- could someone who
> knows how to implement assembler in Pascal help me out by converting
> this into a procedure or function.  Thanks in advance!

Wuuuuuaaaa...... try this, it's a LITTLE bit better:

Unit TaktFreq;


  This unit contains a handy gadget for determining the CPU speed.  It is
  NOT coded for the Pentium family.


  Cpu8086  = 1;
  Cpu80286 = 2;
  Cpu80386 = 3;
  Cpu80486 = 4;

Function WhatCPU : Word;
  This function examines the CPU and returns a number corresponding to the
  CPU type;  1 for 8086, 3 for 80386, etc.  This procedure came right out of
  Neil Rubenking's Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities (thanx Neil!).

Procedure CPUSpeed(Var MHz, KHz : Word);
  This procedure is a ROUGH estimation of how fast the CPU is running in
  MegaHertz.  It was adapted from a C program found in the Intel forum of
  CIS written by Glenn Dill.  I had to do some finagling of the original
  code because C allows for a 32-bit UNSIGNED integer, whereas Pascal allows
  for a 32-bit SIGNED integer (the LongInt), therefore, I was forced to
  reduce all calculations by 10 in order to get it to fit properly.

{ ************************************************************************** }


Function WhatCPU; Assembler;
Asm  { Function WhatCPU }
  MOV     DX,Cpu8086
  PUSH    SP
  POP     AX
  CMP     SP,AX
  JNE     @OUT
  MOV     DX,Cpu80286
  POP     AX
  OR      AX,4000h
  PUSH    AX
  POP     AX
  TEST    AX,4000h
  JE      @OUT
  MOV     DX,Cpu80386
  DB 66h; MOV BX,SP       { MOV EBX,ESP }
  DB 66h, 83h, 0E4h, 0FCh { AND ESP,FFFC }
  DB 66h; PUSHF           { PUSHFD }
  DB 66h; POP AX          { POP EAX }
  DB 66h; MOV CX, AX      { MOV ECX,EAX }
  DB 66h, 35h, 00h
  DB 00h, 04h, 00         { XOR EAX,00040000 }
  DB 66h; PUSH AX         { PUSH EAX }
  DB 66h; POPF            { POPFD }
  DB 66h; PUSHF           { PUSHFD }
  DB 66h; POP AX          { POP EAX }
  DB 66h, 25h,00h
  DB 00h, 04h,00h         { AND EAX,00040000 }
  DB 66h, 81h,0E1h,00h
  DB 00h, 04h,00h         { AND ECX,00040000 }
  DB 66h; CMP AX,CX       { CMP EAX,ECX }
  JE @Not486
  MOV DX, Cpu80486
  DB 66h; PUSH CX         { PUSH ECX }
  DB 66h; POPF            { POPFD }
  DB 66h; MOV SP, BX      { MOV ESP,EBX }
End;        { Function WhatCPU }

Procedure CPUSpeed;
  Processor_cycles : Array [0..4] of Byte = (165, 165, 25, 103, 42);
  Notice that here I have defined the 8086 as a Processor type of 0 vice
  the returned value of 1 from WhatCPU.  Since the original code did not
  distinguish between the 8086 and the 80186, I can get away with this.
  CPS       : LongInt;
  Which_CPU : Word;

  Function i86_to_i286 : Word; Assembler;
  Asm  { Function i86_to_i286 }
    MOV    CX,  1234
    XOR    DX,  DX
    XOR    AX,  AX
    MOV    AL,  $B8
    OUT    $43, AL
    IN     AL,  $61
    OR     AL,  1
    OUT    $61, AL
    XOR    AL,  AL
    OUT    $42, AL
    OUT    $42, AL
    XOR    AX,  AX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IDIV   CX
    IN     AL,  $42
    MOV    AH,  AL
    IN     AL,  $42
    XCHG   AL,  AH
    NEG    AX
  End;  { Function i86_to_i286 }

  Function i386_to_i486 : Word; Assembler;
  Asm  { Function i386_to_i486 }
    MOV    AL,  $B8
    OUT    $43, AL
    IN     AL,  $61
    OR     AL,  1
    OUT    $61, AL
    XOR    AL,  AL
    OUT    $42, AL
    OUT    $42, AL

    DB 66H,$B8,00h,00h,00h,80h;
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    DB 66H,0FH,$BC,$C8;         { BSF  ECX, EAX }
    IN     AL,  42H
    MOV    AH,  AL
    IN     AL,  42H
    XCHG   AL,  AH
    NEG    AX
  End;  { Function i386_to_486 }

Begin  { Procedure CPUSpeed }
  Which_CPU := WhatCPU;
  If Which_cpu < 3 Then
    Ticks := i86_to_i286
    Ticks := i386_to_i486;

  Cycles := 20 * Processor_cycles[Which_CPU];
  CPS := (Cycles * 119318) Div Ticks;
  MHz := CPS Div 100000;
  KHz := (CPS Mod 100000 + 500) Div 1000
End;  { Procedure CPUSpeed }


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