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unit ScanCode;
{ This UNIT is created by Wayne Boyd, aka Vipramukhya Swami, BBS phone
(604)431-6260, Fidonet node 1:153/763. It's function is to facilitate
the use of Function keys and Alt keys in a program. It includes F1
through F10, Shift-F1 through Shift-F10, Ctrl-F1 through Ctrl-F10,
and Alt-F1 through Alt-F10. It also includes all of the alt keys, all
of the Ctrl keys and many other keys as well. This UNIT and source code
are copyrighted material and may not be used for commercial use
without express written permission from the author. Use at your own
risk. I take absolutely no responsibility for it, and there are no
guarantees that it will do anything more than take up space on your
disk. }
F1 = 59; CtrlF1 = 94; AltF1 = 104; Homekey = 71;
F2 = 60; CtrlF2 = 95; AltF2 = 105; Endkey = 79;
F3 = 61; CtrlF3 = 96; AltF3 = 106; PgUp = 73;
F4 = 62; CtrlF4 = 97; AltF4 = 107; PgDn = 81;
F5 = 63; CtrlF5 = 98; AltF5 = 108; UpArrow = 72;
F6 = 64; CtrlF6 = 99; AltF6 = 109; RtArrow = 77;
F7 = 65; CtrlF7 = 100; AltF7 = 110; DnArrow = 80;
F8 = 66; CtrlF8 = 101; AltF8 = 111; LfArrow = 75;
F9 = 67; CtrlF9 = 102; AltF9 = 112; InsertKey = 82;
F10 = 68; CtrlF10 = 103; AltF10 = 113; DeleteKey = 83;
AltQ = 16; AltA = 30; AltZ = 44; Alt1 = 120; ShftF1 = 84;
AltW = 17; AltS = 31; AltX = 45; Alt2 = 121; ShftF2 = 85;
AltE = 18; AltD = 32; AltC = 46; Alt3 = 122; ShftF3 = 86;
AltR = 19; AltF = 33; AltV = 47; Alt4 = 123; ShftF4 = 87;
AltT = 20; AltG = 34; AltB = 48; Alt5 = 124; ShftF5 = 88;
AltY = 21; AltH = 35; AltN = 49; Alt6 = 125; ShftF6 = 89;
AltU = 22; AltJ = 36; AltM = 50; Alt7 = 126; ShftF7 = 90;
AltI = 23; AltK = 37; Alt8 = 127; ShftF8 = 91;
AltO = 24; AltL = 38; Alt9 = 128; ShftF9 = 92;
AltP = 25; CtrlLf = 115; Alt0 = 129; ShftF10= 93;
CtrlRt = 116;
CtrlA = #1; CtrlK = #11; CtrlU = #21; CtrlB = #2; CtrlL = #12;
CtrlV = #22; CtrlC = #3; CtrlM = #13; CtrlW = #23; CtrlD = #4;
CtrlN = #14; CtrlX = #24; CtrlE = #5; CtrlO = #15; CtrlY = #25;
CtrlF = #6; CtrlP = #16; CtrlZ = #26; CtrlG = #7; CtrlQ = #17;
CtrlS = #19; CtrlH = #8; CtrlR = #18; CtrlI = #9; CtrlJ = #10;
CtrlT = #20; BSpace = #8; EscapeKey = #27; EnterKey = #13; NullKey = #0;
Program Sample;
procedure GetKey;
ch : char;
ch := upcase(readkey); { check key }
if ch = NullKey then { NullKey = #0 }
case ord(readkey) of { check key again }
F1 : Dothis; { put your procedures here }
F2 : DoThat;
altx : AltXPressed;
end; {case}
case ch of
CtrlY : CtrlYPressed; { put your procedures here }
CtrlT : CtrlTPressed;
BSpace : BackSpacePressed;
EnterKey : EnterKeyPressed;
EscapeKey : quitprogram;
until ch = EscapeKey;
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