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>>> procedure newkbdint; interrupt; { new keyboard handler }
>>> begin
>>> keydown[port[$60] and $7f] := (port[$60] and $80) = $00;
>>> port[$20] := $20;
>>> end;
>>> On the XT I tested that code on, it accepted the first keystroke but
>>> then acted like I never released the key or pressed another.
>> I believe sending the EOI is insuficient. You also need to signify
>> the keyboard through port 61... But then again I might be wrong.
> What do you mean by "signify the keyboard through port 61h"? Also, would
> that be specific to XTs? I don't have problems with my 386, or my
> sister's, or a friend's, or another friend's 286 ...
Well I was hoping you might know what I was talking about ;-)
It's just that I noticed you weren't calling the old interrupt routine and
I noticed most keyboard routines, including TP/BP's keyboard routine, seem to
interract with port $61. It might be some kind of handshaking between the
keyboard controller and the PC. Maybe it is specific to models prior to the AT
and that could be why you have problems with the XT only.
Here is what I found in HelpPc:
Ports 60-67 are linked to the 8255 (PPI) on PCs, XTs and Jr's
Ports 60-6F are linked to the 8042 on ATs and PS/2s
Port 61 is Port B Status on 8255
And System Control port on the 8042 (For compatibility with 8255)
So port 61 manipulation would be for XT compatibility reasons.
And here is more help from Tech Help
Port Description
ßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
060H þPC/XTþ PPI port A. Read keyboard scan code:
IN al,60H ;fetches most recent scan code.
061H þPC/XTþ PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) port B.
º ³ ³ ³ ³ ³0³ ³ º
º º º º º º ÈÍ 0: Timer 2 gate (speaker) ÍËÍ OR 03H=speaker ON
º º º º º ÈÍÍÍ 1: Timer 2 data ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ AND 0fcH=speaker OFF
º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 3: 1=read high switches; 0=read low switches(see 62H)
º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking; 1=disable
º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 5: 0=enable I/O channel check
º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low
ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 7: 0=enable keyboard; 1=disable keyboard
062H þPC/XTþ PPI port C.
º ³ ³ ³0³equip'tº
º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÊÍ 0-3: values of DIP switches. See Equipment List
º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 5: 1=Timer 2 channel out
º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 6: 1=I/O channel check
ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 7: 1=RAM parity check error occurred.
063H þPC/XTþ PPI Command/Mode Register. Selects which PPI ports are input
or output. BIOS sets to 99H (Ports A and C are input, B is output).
With this and a look at BP 7's RTL source for the keyboard routines you should
be able to determine what's the problem.
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