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 I need the proper syntax For a Pascal Program that will execute a Dos
 prog (a small one) and then resume the Pascal Program when the Dos prog
 is finished.  Any suggestions gladly accepted...

   TP method:

   Assumes Programe name is \PROGPATH\PROGNAME.EXE, and the command
   line parameters are /R


   You need to make sure that you have the Heap set With the $M
   directives, so that you have enough memory to execute the

   example (this Program doesn't use the heap at all):

   {$M 1024, 0, 0} { 1 kb stack, 0k min, 0k max }

   (this Program needs 20k minimum heap to run, and can use up to

   {$M 1024, 20480, 102400}  { 1k stack, 20k min, 100k max }

   A Turbo Pascal Program will always use as much RAM as there is
   avaiable, up to the "max" limit. if you do not put a $M directive
   in your Program, the heap will be the entire available memory of
   your machine, so no memory will be available For your external
   Program to run.

   It is also a good idea to bracket your Exec command with
   "SwapVector;" statements.

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