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program XMS;
{ Functions to get to the XMS API }
var XMS_Driver : pointer;
function XMS_get_state : byte; assembler;
asm mov ax,4300h; int 2Fh end;
function XMS_get_entry_point : pointer; assembler;
asm mov ax,4310h; int 2Fh; mov ax,bx; mov dx,es end;
type MoveStruct = record
length : longint;
srcHandle : word;
srcOffset : longint;
dstHandle : word;
dstOffset : longint
function XMS_get_version : word; assembler;
asm mov ah,00h; call XMS_Driver end;
function XMS_query : word; assembler;
asm mov ah,08h; call XMS_Driver end;
function XMS_alloc(size : word) : word; assembler;
asm mov ah,09h; call XMS_Driver; mul dx end;
function XMS_free(handle : word) : boolean; assembler;
asm mov ah,0Ah; mov dx,handle; call XMS_Driver end;
function XMS_move(var MoveStructPtr : MoveStruct) : boolean; assembler;
asm mov ah,0Bh; push ds; push ds; pop es; lds si,MoveStructPtr; call
es:XMS_Driver; pop ds end;
{ Main program }
var XMS_version, XMS_handle : word;
a : word;
b : array[0..1999] of real;
c : MoveStruct;
d : boolean;
x,y : word;
if XMS_get_state = $80 then begin
XMS_driver := XMS_get_entry_point;
XMS_version := XMS_get_version;
writeln('XMS version : ', hi(XMS_version), '.', lo(XMS_version));
writeln('Largest available EMB : ', XMS_query, 'KB');
if XMS_query > 0 then begin
a := longint(XMS_query) * 1024 div sizeof(b);
XMS_handle := XMS_alloc(XMS_query);
if XMS_handle > 0 then begin
writeln('Number of arrays : ', a);
c.length := sizeof(b);
c.srcHandle := 0;
c.srcOffset := longint(Addr(b));
c.dstHandle := XMS_handle;
for x := 0 to pred(a) do begin
write('Filling array # : ', x, #13);
for y := 0 to 1999 do
b[y] := x * y;
c.dstOffset := longint(x) * sizeof(b);
c.srcHandle := XMS_handle;
c.dstHandle := 0;
c.dstOffset := longint(Addr(b));
for x := 0 to pred(a) do begin
write('Checking array # : ', x, #13);
c.srcOffset := longint(x) * sizeof(b);
d := true;
for y := 0 to 1999 do
d := d and (b[y] = x * y);
if not d then
writeln('Error in array # : ', x)
if not XMS_free(XMS_handle) then
writeln('Error freeing EMB!')
end else
writeln('Error Allocating EMB!')
end else
writeln('No free XMS memory!')
end else
writeln('No XMS driver found!')
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