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From: se1tc@dmu.ac.uk (TC)
>> I use TP7 and I am learning about graphics in pascal
>> ?1 How can I change a mouse pointer ??
>> ?2 How can I find a source code of pascal in FTP ??
> Do you have a mouse unit that implements Int 33h subfunction 9?
> You pass it the segment and offset of an array[0..31] of word;
> Best TP-specific suggestion I have is to locate the Sept. '85
> issue of BYTE magazine. It has an article (p. 161) showing how to
> program the mouse functions.
> As for creating new mouse cursors, I found a neat little utility
> called IGME.ZIP. It's a graphical mouse cursor editor that
> allows you to set individual pixels in a mouse cursor, like a drawing
> program. It lets you test your creation by setting the mouse cursor
> to use the one you just designed!
> The best part is that it has the option to produce CODE of the new
> cursor mask, that you can pull into your program as a CONSTant.
> It produces C code, but 5 minutes work changing 0x's to $ signs
> gives you the pascal code.
> I can't remember exactly where I found it, but I think it was one
> of the following:
> x2ftp.oulu.fi
> garbo.uwasa.fi
> oak.oakland.edu
Better still (well at least it's some code to get your
teeth into!):
procedure ChangeMousePointer; assembler;
mov AX,09h
mov BX,seg @Point
mov ES,BX
mov BX,4
mov CX,2
mov DX,offset @Point
int 33h
jmp @Exit
@Point: db 255, 255, 255, 207 { screen mask, I think }
db 255, 135, 255, 135
db 159, 192, 15, 192
db 15, 224, 7, 224
db 7, 192, 7, 128
db 7, 128, 7, 224
db 7, 240, 15, 248
db 15, 252, 15, 255
db 0, 0, 0, 0 { Cursor mask }
db 0, 48, 0, 48 { If it goes a bit funny }
db 0, 24, 96, 27 { swap the two around }
db 96, 13, 176, 13
db 240, 6, 240, 55
db 240, 27, 240, 15
db 240, 7, 224, 3
db 224, 0, 96, 0
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