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I needed a routine to convert a byte value into a string with leading zeros.
> So I made one in BASM: Byte2lzStr. If you want, include this in SWAG.
var s: string;
tel, n : byte;
procedure Byte2lzStr( n, width: byte; var str: string ); assembler;
{ Byte to string with leading zeros }
std { string operations backwards }
mov al, [n] { numeric value to convert }
mov cl, [width] { width of str }
xor ch, ch { clear ch }
les di, str { adress of str }
mov [di], cl { length of str }
add di, cx { start with last char str }
@start: jcxz @exit { done? }
aam { divide al by 10 }
add al, 30h { convert remainder to char }
stosb { store digit }
xchg al, ah { swap remainder and quotient }
dec cl { count down }
jmp @start { next digit }
end { Byte2lzStr };
for tel := 1 to 24 do
n := random( 256 );
Byte2lzStr( n, 5, s );
writeln( tel:2,': ', n:3,' ', s,' [',length(s),']' );
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