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Here is a function some of you may find useful, it tries to find
misspellings such as "Hello World" and "Hello Wolrd" by comparing 2 strings
and returning a percent base of 3 tests of how close they match...
Lemme know if you know of a way to improve upon this.
{$B-,V-,S-,R-,I-,A+} { for speed }
uses dos, crt;
string_a : string;
string_b : string; { for the 5 line example at the bottom }
{ 'InStr' -For use with StrMatcher. }
{ }
{ InStr is just like POS except you may specify a starting position. }
{ }
function InStr(index : byte; var string1, string2 : string) : byte;
tempstring : string;
tempstring := copy(string2, index, length(string2)-index);
InStr := pos(string1, tempstring) + index - 1;
{ 'StrMatcher' -String Matching Procedure, Written by Kevin Currie, '94 }
{ }
{ StrMatcher accepts two pointers and (w/o case sensitivity) tries }
{ to determine how well their strings match. It then returns a percent }
{ value of its tests into a shortint. }
{ }
function strmatcher(var string1, string2 : string) : shortint;
strn1, strn2, tmpstr1, tmpstr2 : string;
len1, len2, short : byte;
stest, which, loop : longint;
postest1, postest2 : integer;
perc1, perc2, perc3 : real;
retval : shortint;
{ ---===> Don't yell at me about the goto's, they are there for speed }
{ and clarity. (It's clearer than a HUGE block under an if) }
{ ---===> UpperCase the strings to see if that is where the difference }
{ lies, and also to make the other comparisons easier. }
strn1 := string1;
len1 := length(string1); { I make backup copies }
for loop := 1 to len1 do { because var is just another }
strn1[loop] := upcase(strn1[loop]); { way of saying pointer... }
strn2 := string2; { In other words if I didn't }
len2 := length(string2); { I would modify the original }
for loop := 1 to len2 do { strings... }
strn2[loop] := upcase(strn2[loop]);
{ ---===> See of the capitalized strings match }
if (strn1 = strn2) then
retval := 100;
goto string_match_100;
end; {if}
{ ---===> Test 1 checks the occurence of chars from string1 }
{ against the chars in string2 }
stest := 0;
for loop := 1 to len1 do
tmpstr1 := strn1[loop];
if (pos(tmpstr1, strn2) > 0) then inc(stest);
end; {for}
perc2 := stest / len1;
stest := 0;
for loop := 1 to len2 do
tmpstr2 := strn2[loop];
if (pos(tmpstr2, strn1) > 0) then inc(stest);
end; {for}
perc3 := stest / len2;
perc1 := (perc3 + perc2) / 2;
if (perc1 < 0) then perc1 := 0;
{ ---===> Test 2 Adds the Values of all the charcters in the }
{ string and then takes a percent of 1 vs 2. }
stest := 0;
which := 0;
for loop := 1 to len1 do { ---===> the shl 4's and the }
stest := stest + ord(strn1[loop]); { shr 2's below are to }
stest := stest shl 4; { add some more weight }
for loop := 1 to len2 do { to the difference. }
which := which + ord(strn2[loop]);
which := which shl 4;
loop := stest shr 2;
if (which > stest) then loop := which shr 2;
perc2 := 1 - (abs(stest - which) / loop);
if (perc2 < 0) then perc2 := 0;
{ ---===> Test 3 checks the character position differences between }
{ the two strings. }
{ }
{ NOTE: A string being shorter than another can cause this }
{ test to fail quite badly so null characters are }
{ placed in the shorter string where there are char }
{ mismatches until the strings are equal in length. }
if (len1 = len2) then goto string_match_len;
tmpstr1 := '';
tmpstr2 := '';
loop := 1;
if (len1 > len2) then
short := len1 - len2;
which := 2;
end else
short := len2 - len1;
which := 1;
end; {if/else}
while (short <> 0) do
if (strn1[loop] = strn2[loop]) then
case which of
1: tmpstr1 := tmpstr1 + strn2[loop];
2: tmpstr1 := tmpstr1 + strn1[loop];
end; {case}
end else
case which of
tmpstr1 := tmpstr1 + #0;
tmpstr2 := copy(strn1, loop, (len1-loop)+1);
strn1 := concat(tmpstr1, tmpstr2);
end; {case1}
tmpstr1 := tmpstr1 + #0;
tmpstr2 := copy(strn2, loop, (len2-loop)+1);
strn2 := concat(tmpstr1, tmpstr2);
end; {case2}
end; {case}
end; {if/else}
end; {while}
len1 := length(strn1); { ---===> Reset these after the loop that }
len2 := length(strn2); { makes them the same length. }
string_match_len: {label}
{ ---===> Now that we have the string lengths the same lets check the }
{ character positions. }
stest := 0;
for loop := 1 to len1 do
stest := stest + loop + loop - 1;
which := stest;
for loop := 1 to len1 do
tmpstr1 := strn1[loop];
tmpstr2 := strn2[loop];
postest1 := len1 - abs(instr(loop, tmpstr2, strn1));
postest2 := len2 - abs(instr(loop, tmpstr2, strn2));
stest := stest - (postest1 + postest2);
stest := which - abs(stest);
which := which + (len1 div 2);
perc3 := stest / which;
if (perc3 < 0) then perc3 := 0;
{ ---===> Average the results of the 3 tests. }
{ They are weighted hence the 80, 10 and 10. }
retval := trunc(((perc1 * 80) + (perc2 * 10) + (perc3 * 10)));
string_match_100: {label}
strmatcher := retval; { ---===> Return Percent Difference. }
end; {StrMatcher}
begin { ---===> Stupid 5 line example. }
string_a := 'Hello World';
string_b := 'Hello Wolrd';
writeln('String Match Percent:', strmatcher(string_a, string_b):5);
end. {main} { ---===> hey, I use C also :-) }
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