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>I recently wrote a short utility in TP. I want to make it a TSR
>which can be activated by a hotkey (like ALT-R). Do I need to
>redirect the Keyboard INT to my Program?
Right on the nose.
>if so, then where does my Program direct the INT after that?
To the OLD keyboard interrupt. You can use the GetIntVec to find
where the interrupt originally pointed; and trust me, it's a royal
pain in the keister to Program your own. (Note: you'll want to
execute a PUSHF instruction before calling the "old" interrupt;
easily done With the built-in Assembler: Asm PUSHF end.)
Now, For reading the Alt-R: you can get the "Alt" key from
memory location $0040:$0017. It Records the Alt key, shift keys,
caps lock, etc. Each bit sets/reports whether the key is active or
inactive ("1" = "active"). Like so:
Const insByte = $80; capsByte = $40; numByte = $20; scrollByte = $10;
altByte = $08; ctrlByte = $04; lshftByte = $02; rshftByte = $01;
Var keyboardstat: Byte Absolute $0040:$0017;
To test if Alt is on, see if this expression evaluates to "True":
keyboardstat and altByte = altByte
As For the "R", check port $60 (the keyboard port) For scan code $13.
(Maybe ya oughtta find a complete list of the scan codes.)
>Also, I want my Window to disappear when my Program
>is finished (and the previous screen to come back).
>How can I do this?
Store the old screen into memory. Hint: on Mono systems, it's the
4000 Bytes starting at b000:0000; on color, it's the 4000 starting
at b800:0000. Use the "Move" Procedure first to move the 4000 Bytes
to an Array of 4000 Characters, then use "Move" to move the 4000 Bytes
back to the video location.
> (BTW, I could do all this on the Commodore 64 back in the good 'ol
>days when the 64 was king. Life was much simpler then).
Yeah, I can hear ya now: "Oh you spoiled kids. When I started in
computers, we had only 64k to work With, and we LIKED it! And we
didn't waste our money on a separate 'monitor', oh no! we just hooked
our computers up to the TV. Damn kids these days."
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